Middlebury CT

Find information on things to do, places to eat, and more!


People are drawn to Middlebury for its beauty, friendliness, and rural warmth. Residents know and appreciate small town living at its finest. The Board of Selectman is committed to maintaining the high standard of living.

In addition, there are always events and speakers at the Quassy Amusement and Water Park, which is another great opportunity to rally Middlebury residents together. All of these efforts ensure Middlebury hometown to be a premier Connecticut hamlet.


Things to do!


Middlebury Center Historic District: https://www.livingplaces.com/CT/New_Haven_County/Middlebury_Town/Middlebury_Center_Historic_District.html
Edgewood Bath and Tennis Club: https://edgewoodbtc.com/
Middlebury Greenway: https://www.middlebury-ct.org/parks-recreation/pages/middlebury-greenway
Meadowview Park: https://goo.gl/maps/oopvi2pAbSrFtKMM8
Ledgewood Memorial Park: https://goo.gl/maps/aKgkohKvM9DJGh3j6
The Josiah Bronson House: https://historicbuildingsct.com/the-josiah-bronson-house-1738/
Quassy Amusement Park and Waterpark: https://www.quassy.com/